EXCLUSIVE Can Makkah become Dār Al-Harb?

…………Will Makkah Return to Being a Land of kufr After the Prophet’s Conquest of It?

Question and Answer with Shaykh Abū Basīr At-Tartūsī 


“There are those who seek to use the Hadīth, “No Hijrah [emigration] after the Conquest” as evidence that Makkah will not return to being a Land of kufr. So how do we combine this usage of this Hadīth, if it is valid, with the current situation of Makkah today? And Jazākum Allāhu Khayran.


All Praise belongs to Allāh, the Lord of the Universe.
There is nothing in the Hadīth which implies that Makkah will return to being

a Land of kufr, nor that it will never return to being a Land of kufr.

It only contains that the first Hijrah from Makkah to Madīnah has passed for its (i.e. the first Hijrah’s) people; and that there is no Hijrah after the Conquest of Makkah, from Makkah to Madīnah – because it (i.e. Makkah) had become a Land of Islām.

And the fact that it became a Land of Islām, does not mean that it will be permanent with this ruling (of being Land of Islām), or that this characteristic will remain with Makkah over all the ages and until the Day of Resurrection.

صلى االله عليه و سلم For indeed it has been authentically narrated from the Prophet that he said, “The Hour will not be established until the House (of Allāh) is not made pilgrimage to.” 21 And that the Hour will not come, until Al-Lāt and Al- ‘Uzzā are worshipped once again. 22

And likewise, it has been established in history that the heretical infidel Qarāmitah 23 took over Makkah, and governed it with their disbelief and heresy; and they killed the pilgrims of the Sacred House of Allāh, inside the sacred precincts (Haram), and buried them within the precincts of the Masjid, and also in the Well of ZamZam. And their leader Abū Tāhir Al-Qarmatī 24 – may Allāh curse him – used to say while standing at the door of the Ka’bah, while men were being thrown And the people used to flee from them, and they would hang onto the drapes of the Ka’bah (to protect themselves from the Qarāmitah), but that did not benefit them in the least. And this was not sufficient for the Qarāmitah – may Allāh curse them; they even deracinated the Black Stone, and took it with them (to Al-Ahsā’) and kept it for 22 years and (only) then they returned it 26; and their story is well recorded and known in the books of History!

So the question is: Was Makkah, in those days, under the Reign of the Heretic Qarāmitah, a Land of Islām? Or was it a Land of Kufr and Harb?

The answer is: There is no doubt, nor any disagreement, that it was a Land of Harb and Kufr; and that liberating it from the tyranny and reign of the heretical Qarāmitah was from amongst the most important individual obligations [Fardh Al-‘Ayn].

And likewise, were the days in which it (Makkah) was governed by Ash- Sharīf Husayn 27 – puppet of the British… Was it ruled with Islām?

The answer, as everyone knows, is “No”.
And Allāh the Highest is Most Knowledgeable. around him inside Al-Masjid Al-Harām- while on the Day of Tarwiyah 25:

“I am Allāh – And in Allāh I am

I created the Creation – And destroy it I shall”

And the people used to flee from them, and they would hang onto the drapes of the Ka’bah (to protect themselves from the Qarāmitah), but that did not benefit them in the least. And this was not sufficient for the Qarāmitah – may Allāh curse them; they even deracinated the Black Stone, and took it with them (to Al-Ahsā’) and kept it for 22 years and (only) then they returned it 26; and their story is well recorded and known in the books of History!

So the question is: Was Makkah, in those days, under the Reign of the Heretic Qarāmitah, a Land of Islām? Or was it a Land of Kufr and Harb?

The answer is: There is no doubt, nor any disagreement, that it was a Land of Harb and Kufr; and that liberating it from the tyranny and reign of the heretical Qarāmitah was from amongst the most important individual obligations [Fardh Al-‘Ayn].

And likewise, were the days in which it (Makkah) was governed by Ash- Sharīf Husayn 27 – puppet of the British… Was it ruled with Islām?

The answer, as everyone knows, is “No”.
And Allāh the Highest is Most Knowledgeable.

Read Full Fatwa can-makkah-become-daar-al-harb


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