Islamdin: Special Statement of the Command of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate Abroad

Shura of the Caucasus Emirate and Shura of the CIC abroad makes an official explanation that the former representative of the Caucasus Emirate Abdul Aziz has been excluded from the Imarat Caucasus by the sham of the Imarat Caucasus, which is the only legitimate body of the Caucasus Emirate to date, which was established by the Amir Abu Usman al- Gimraviy rahimahullah.

In August 2016, Abdul Aziz voluntarily resigned from the position of the representative of the Caucasus Emirate abroad and Abu Saad al-Dagistani was appointed as the Shura of the Caucasus Emirate. Then in October 2016, Abdul Aziz was removed from his post as an Amir of the Mujahideen KBK abroad by the sham of the Caucasus Emirate abroad.

The main reasons for which he was removed from office and expelled from the Nizam:
– The introduction of a split in the ranks of the Caucasus Emirate. Called the Mujahideen of the KBC to the division with the Vilayat of the WD
– Dissemination of false information among the IC brothers, which undermined the integrity of the IC and the brotherhood as a whole. He deliberately made intrigues between the Mujahideen.
– I set up brothers against the Emir of the Caucasus Emirate abroad, slandering them, making bays and gybats, trying to blacken the members of the Shura of the Caucasus Emirate abroad.
– Violation of the Nizam of the Caucasus Emirate – disobedience and disobedience to the Amir of the Caucasus Emirate abroad.
– The order is not rightfully entrusted to him by the amanate contrary to the orders of the Amir KBC abroad.
The above reasons have evidence with witnesses and were presented to Abdul Aziz personally, and he was also asked to challenge these charges in a Sharia court, which he refused.
He was repeatedly called to maslyah, called to make a touba, to join the ranks of the Mujahideen and submit to the Amir, but all our appeals remained, unfortunately, in vain.
For this reason, we appeal to our brothers and sisters and warn you that no one should be involved in his intrigues and thereby harm the Nizam of the Caucasus Emirate. For the same reason, the Shura of the Emirate of the Caucasus decided to issue this clarification.
Also, those who financially or somehow want to help the Nizam of the Caucasus Emirate should know that this person no longer has anything to do with the Nizam of the Caucasus Emirate and his trust is lost.
As Allah said: “If a man acts righteously, he acts well for himself.” And whoever does evil, he does himself harm. And then you will be returned to your Lord. (Kneeling, 15)
In connection with the incident, we appeal to all the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate. Dear brothers and sisters! We urge you to unite in one line under one banner and not to dispute, as Allah told us about it in our Book, as this deprives us of our strength against our enemy.
To date, the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate carry a combat riabat on the lands of Sham, helping their brothers and sisters by faith. Today, when the war is being waged in such extremely difficult conditions, do not leave the Mujahideen without the help of your brothers!
Allah says: Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not argue, or else you will fall in spirit and lose your strength. Be patient, for Allah is with the patient. (Anfal, 46)
Also we bring to your notice that Shura of the Caucasus Emirate on all important issues consults with well-known scientists of jihad.
We remind you that the site of IslamDin is the only official source that covers the decisions taken by the Shura of the KBK and Mujahideen KBK.
And in the end, we give Praise to Allah and ask Him to exalt Islam and Muslims and humiliate disbelief and polytheists.
We ask Allah to strengthen our feet on His path and to resolve all the fitnah that occurred between the Mujahideen.
We ask Allaah to strengthen our new Amir Abu Saad ad-Daghestani, give him wisdom in the affairs of government and barakat in jihad.
We ask Allah to give victory to the Mujahideen in all fronts on earth.
O Allah, answer us our prayers and save us from the machinations of the Shaytaan and his henchmen among the people. Amine!

Source: Press Service of the United Vilayat KBK IK
IA IslamDin


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