It is better for the Muslims that Palestine remain occupied by the Zionists for tens of years than to sign a peace treaty with them by which they would forsake the holy land.
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Stronger rules on Cybercrime needed in Germany says Top Police Official

Germany, among the most digitally advanced countries in the world, is experiencing an alarming the rate in the growth of cybercrime. This has prompted the German authorities with Germany’s top police official calling for tougher laws and rules to tackle cybercrime. Continue reading

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ISIS Operative: This Is How We Send Jihadis To Europe

ISIS Operative: This Is How We Send Jihadis To Europe.

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Al-Qaeda’s Jihad on Ant-Morsi Egyptians\Civil War Awaiting Egypt

Intelligence Report Raymond Ibrahim Since Islamists have tasted power — Salafis, Muslim Brotherhood or al-Qaeda — it is unlikely that they will quietly release the reins of power without a fight.  Now that the Egyptian military appears to have granted … Continue reading

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US adds Sudanese al Qaeda operative involved in murder of diplomat to list of terrorists

LWJ   The US government has added Abd Al-Ra’Ouf Abu Zaid Mohamed Hamza, an al Qaeda-linked operative who was involved in the murder a US diplomat and his driver in Khartoum in 2008, to the list of Specially Designated Global … Continue reading

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Jabhat an-Nusra li-Ahl Misr ~ Jabhat an-Nusra in Egypt

  pietervanostaeyen (June 18, 2013) a post got released by, what appears to be, a new Salafi group in Egypt that calls itself Jabhat an-Nusra li-Ahl Misr (Jabhat an-Nusra for the People of Egypt). One might see this group as … Continue reading

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Patrick Dunleavy Former Deputy Inspector General, New York Correctional SystemCourtesy of Defense and Security Alert (DSA)New Delhi, IndiaCopyright DSA July 2012 (Volume 3, Issue 10), Defence and Security Alert No one sits alone in the vauum of a prison cell … Continue reading

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Army Reserve Warns Evangelical Christians at Top of ‘Extremist’ List?

A U.S. Army Reserve training brief on extremism and extremist organizations puts evangelical Christianity at the top of the list of groups soldiers should watch out for, and avoid.  According to the Power Point presentation, obtained and posted online by legal … Continue reading

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القيادة المشتركة للجيش السوري الحر رسالة مفتوحة إلى جماعة الأخوان المسلمين في سورية

نحملكم مسؤولية تأخر انتصار الثورة وتشرذم المعارضةأولاً : هناك صدام عميق وكبير بينكم وبين مجمل القوى المدنية والثورية والوطنية والعسكرية والسياسية أيضاً . إن بياننا الأخير لم يصدر إلا بعد أن طفح الكيل لدى الناس في العديد من المدن السورية … Continue reading

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