Tag Archives: DUCKDUCKGO

North Korea’s dispersed and hidden weapons complex highlights the challenge of denuclearization

North Korea’s dispersed and hidden weapons complex highlights the challenge of denuclearizationWhile the U.S.-North Korean summit may have lessened the immediate risk of a war, the elimination of the North Korean threat is at best a distant prospect, according to weapons experts and veterans of past negotiations with Pyongyang. Such an achievement would require difficult negotiations, years of dismantling and verification, and — perhaps most important — a profound change in the behavior of a state with a long history of cheating and deception on its past commitments, analysts said. Continue reading

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An Assessment of the Islamic State in 2018

The fight against the Islamic State is far from over. At the very least, the cyber war to take down its digital presence will continue unabated, ebbing and flowing as each successive attempt by ISIS to re-establish its digital caliphate is taken down by Western police agencies. Continue reading

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“Q”: Merkel Connected To Hitler…

Fake or not fake? A very Serious Question
According to Stasi documents it was Dr. Clauberg who brought Eva Braun from Western to Eastern Germany. Initially, she was selected as a surrogate mother, the one that will carry Hitler’s child.

Once Clauberg was released by the Soviets, he went back to Western Germany to work on the artificial insemination which resulted in the birth of Angela Merkel in 1954. Continue reading

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Speculations Rise Over Cost of Denuclearization

According to one estimate, the cost of dismantling North Korea’s nuclear weapons program could be at least five times higher than that of Ukraine.  Continue reading

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Watch Korean Central TV Video of Unofficial visit of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un in China.

Watch Korean Central TV Video of Unofficial visit of Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un in China. Continue reading

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N.Korea: Kim Jong Un Reinstates Female ‘Pleasure Squads’ for Sexual Service

In 2010, Marie Claire published the harrowing account of a 15-year-old girl who was “recruited” into one such group while Kim’s father was still in power.

“Refusal was not an option,” the article said. “Any attempt at dissent, or to defect, was an offence punishable by death.”
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North Korea reported to have destroyed nuclear testing facility at Punggye-ri

In public spectacle for international press, DPRK said to have decommissioned major nuke test site Continue reading

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N.Korea: Channeling Foreign Information Technology, Information to Regime Goals

Office of the National Counterintelligence Executive: December 2003 Archives Pyongyang is working with Koreans abroad and other foreign partners in information technology (IT) ventures, sending software developers overseas for exposure to international trends, granting scientists access to foreign data, and … Continue reading

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Petition: Tim Cook : #Stop Removing Iranian Apps from the @AppStore · Change.org

We are asking you Mr. Cook, to recognize our rights as Apple customers. Please stop removing Iranian applications from App Store and lift policies that are limiting our access to the products and services offered via Apple’s platforms by people of the world, for the people of the world.

Sincerely yours,
Iranian residents of global village
Cc’d to Mr. Javad Zarif – Iran Foreign Affairs Minister.
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Chief of Main Operational Directorate Colonel General Sergei Rudskoy holds briefing in National Centre for State Defence Control

In the early March, the sabotage groups were deployed in the southern de-escalation zone near Daraa. formations of so-called Free Syrian Army are located there.
They are preparing provocations using explosive devices fitted with poisonous agents. In the future, this fact will be used in order to accuse the government troops of using chemical weapons.
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