Europe: immigration, identity, Islam: Douglas Murray warns of dangers

“Europe is committing suicide.” That is an extraordinary claim. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. He provides what may be described as such evidence. Continue reading

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Question and Answer with Shaykh Abū Basīr At-Tartūsī
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“My message to Mr. Trump: Push it real good. Push it so good that Black people say I’m out of here, I can’t take it no more,” said Min. Farrakhan. “It’s only in our unity that we will have the power to beat back tyranny.”

Blacks should control all of the levers of power, the schools, the politics, the economics, in their communities, the Minister argued. “On our level as intellectuals and scholars, what are you willing to sacrifice to see the elevation not of yourself but of the mass of our people? It’s going to take sacrifice and there will be pain and there will be suffering. Are you willing to endure it for the elevation of the masses of our people?” he asked.

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Executive Cyber Intelligence Bi-Weekly Report by INSS-CSFI

ISRAEL  Israel well prepared against cyber-attacks   Israel Birthday occurred with no real damage, save for a few minor sites whose webpages were defaced, old credit cards number no longer available, and email accounts containing old passwords from last year. … Continue reading

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1) ” One of the most important British assets in this global genocide scheme is Prince Bandar. Trained in Britain, Bandar was not only the Saudi interlocutor with the British Crown and BAE in forging the original Al Yamamah deal. … Continue reading

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Facebook Removes Al-Qaeda linked Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham Page

by braboco On November 20th of this month the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS), in yet another example of extremists’ preference towards social media, started up its official Facebook page   https://www.facebook.com/Islamicstateofirakandsham (below). The page which featured daily posts by the group was … Continue reading

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2014 Cybersecurity Forecasts

JOHN CASARETTO  On a bit of a programming note, all month long in the month of December, SiliconANGLE will be featuring cybersecurity stories that focus on 2014 and beyond. We have gathered a number of thought leaders, executives and leading … Continue reading

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ON THE ROAD AGAIN: Shiasim and sectarian conflict in Pakistan

  Intelligence Analysis Pakistan’s sectarian rifts are unlikely to heal in the near future. The results of the February 2008 elections showed that even though the support base of religious political parties—both Shia and Sunni—is shrinking, instances of sectarian violence, … Continue reading

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MORE ON ANGOLA POLICY REGARDING, MOSQUES: Outrage As African Nation of Angola BANS Islam

ReportNo, this is not a product of one of the new wave of fake news and poorly executed satire sites. Admittedly this move was so brazen, oppressive and unprecedented that we had to spend some time absolutely verifying the story … Continue reading

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U.S. FOREIGN POLICY IN M.E., BACKFIRES: Syrian Terrorists Say They’re Targeting America Next

Al Qaeda groups in Syria have vowed to bring their fight to the United States and Britain once they have accomplished their goals in the Middle Eastern country. A video published by Vice News includes interviews with a pair of British men who traveled … Continue reading

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