Tag Archives: Microsoft News

Social and Political Economies of the Internet in the Middle East

From the initial establishment of Internet connections in the early 1990s, through extending those to more users and more uses around the turn of the millennium, to today’s proliferation of social media among youth, discussion has circled in political terms around informational freedom and eroding authoritarian regimes, and in economic terms around informational development Continue reading

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Guccifer 2.0 Claims Responsibility for Purported DNC Network Hack

Although the DNC has blamed Russia for a computer network security breach, little surrounding the hack has been confirmed or verified. Continue reading

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How Fake Data Can Help the Pentagon Track Rogue Weapons

‘This software trains machine- learning tools to spot terrorists stockpiling weapons Continue reading

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Nun finally makes it & Testifies after Obama Husain refused her entry to USA About Suffering of Christians in Iraq Continue reading

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Foundations Sponsoring Putin’s Re-Election

This is the first time Putin’s election has been funded in this way. When he last ran for reelection in 2012, a significant portion of the funds were provided by businesses and private individuals.
The actual source of the foundations’ funding is not clear — so the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project decided to try to find out who was behind them.

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Russian researchers expose breakthrough U.S. spying program

Kaspersky said it found personal computers in 30 countries infected with one or more of the spying programs, with the most infections seen in Iran, followed by Russia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, China, Mali, Syria, Yemen and Algeria. The targets included government and military institutions, telecommunication companies, banks, energy companies, nuclear researchers, media, and Islamic activists, Kaspersky said.  Continue reading

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The Exoneration: “Al – Zawahiri’s Book full of lies, calumnies, jurisprudential fallacies, and indirections”- Dr. FadI Sayed Imam Abdulaziz al-Sharif

Commenting further on the behaviour of the Arab  Mujahedeen in Afghanistan, Dr Fadl said: “. There is nothing in Islam which condones kidnapping or theft as a way to finance Jihad.” Continue reading

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North Korea’s Unit 180, the cyber warfare cell that worries the West Continue reading

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According to An “ISIS” defector Iran has not simply tolerated the traffic of jihadists and arms across its borders; it actively abetted it. “ISIS has an interest in not attacking Iranian interests so that it can obtain explosives for use in its operations. Continue reading

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“The Lebanese Rocket Society”

The adventure began in the early 1960s, when a group of students from Haigazian University in Beirut, led by their mathematics professor Manoug Manougian, designed and launched rockets into the Lebanese sky. They produced the first rocket in the region. While the United States was preparing to send its first Apollo rocket into space, while the USSR was on the verge of launching the first manned spaceflight, Manougian and his students began their research on rocket propulsion. A crazy challenge for a tiny country!
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