Operation Conversion Mafia: Kerala’s conversion factories unmasked

The converted woman was previously called Shubha, Zainaba disclosed. “She’s now Fatima.” “How many non-Muslims have you proselytized?” the reporter asked.She also explained the entire modus for proselytising, emphasising conversion centres have to disguised as charitable or educational establishments in order to prevent any backlash.We don’t have to officially declare it to be a conversion centre. It’s an educational institute,” Zainaba admitted. “A lot of preparation goes into it. We need resources. We have to create a trust first. Continue reading

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Serious Consequences of Halt in Visas Between Ankara and DC

What they’re doing with the Gulen organization is exactly what Michael Flynn and Stanley McChrystal did with al Qaeda in Iraq. When you have a clandestine movement – and the Gulenists were a clandestine movement – you have to figure out who talks to who and who knows who. You’re going to have a huge number of people who get pulled into this thing, many of whom are by nature innocent. Continue reading

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European Left-wing extremism in the 21st Century

The reasons for the increase of left-wing violence is very similar to the reason for the rise of right-wing violence. The 2008 financial crash allowed the extreme right to blame the international financial class and appeal to nativist politics, while it allowed the extreme left to agitate in favour of the rights of the workers of the world against that same financial elite. Continue reading

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Islamdin: Special Statement of the Command of the Mujahideen of the Caucasus Emirate Abroad

Site of IslamDin is the only official source that covers the decisions taken by the Shura of the KBK and Mujahideen KBK. Continue reading

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North Korea Concentration Camps

The UNSPEAKABLE HELL of North Korea Concentration Camps: Shocking Cruelty Continue reading

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David Albright: N. KOREA TALK……

Nuclear Weapons Capabilities
The bottom line is that North Korea has an improving nuclear weapons arsenal
North Korea’s nuclear weapons capability benefits from
Procurements abroad;
A functioning industrial complex making plutonium and weapon-grade uranium;
An ability at sites unknown to research, develop, and manufacture nuclear weapons;
Possible integration facilities that could mate a nuclear warhead to a ballistic missile; Continue reading

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Will Arabs Have the Courage to Label Muslim Brotherhood a Terrorist Group?

Swiss Defense League \ Khaled Abu Toameh   Buoyed by the Egyptian move, Palestinian and Jordanian political analysts have urged their leaders to to seize the opportunity and crack down in Islamists in their countries. The ball is now in … Continue reading

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Jihadists respond to violence in Egypt

LWJ\Intelligence Analysis As news of the events in Cairo swept across various media platforms, jihadists, like nearly everyone else, started to comment. For example, in the jihadi forum Shumukh al Islam, one user claimed, in remarks, that now “is the … Continue reading

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Iran’s Long-Range Rockets Could Reach America By 2015

    Amir Mizroch   HaYom    Iran could develop and test an intercontinental ballistic missile capable of reaching the United States by 2015, a new U.S. intelligence report released and declassified for publication on Friday has determined. The report, … Continue reading

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