Tag Archives: TSA

MAMAMIA: If You See The Letters ‘SSSS’ On Your Next Boarding Pass……

According to The Sun, the code was introduced to reduce the risk of terror attacks and involves Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents subjecting passengers to extra pat downs, swabs and bag searches.
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Europol Informed the AFP of 150 Local Hansa Vendors

“In terms of the number of darknet drug dealers we are the second highest country per capita in the world, just behind the Netherlands,” Dr James Martin, a criminologist from Macquarie University, told ABC. “Australia is an isolated drug market and there’s been issues with people accessing high quality illicit drugs, so we see on the darknet provides quite a useful alternative,” Martin continued. He explained that Australian drug users preferred the darknet because of the “decent prices” and the ability to get drugs without knowing a “traditional dealer.” Continue reading

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