Tag Archives: White House

More Legally Obtained Voter Records for Sale Online

The only records from 2017 come from the Ohio Voter Database and Arkansas Voter Database—both of which came from Logan. They have 7,893,338 Records and 1,746,067 Records, respectively. Incidentally, both Ohio and Arkansas are readily available elsewhere as public records. Continue reading

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  In a report that is sure to be considered blockbuster news, the rebels told Dale Gavlak, a reporter who has written for the Associated Press, NPR and BBC, they are responsible for the chemical attack last week. Gavlak is a … Continue reading

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Russia’s Middle-East End Game, at the Hands of the Post-Soviet Grandmaster

By Dmitri Trenin Why Putin believes U.S. policies in the Middle East since the Arab Spring have been misguided, unprincipled, and dangerous Vladimir Putin, now in power for over 13 years, has a history with the United States, his one-time … Continue reading

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Al-Qaeda in Iraq (a.k.a. Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria)

Author: Jonathan Masters, Deputy Editor (CFR) Introduction Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), a jihadist group of predominantly Sunni fighters, rose to prominence in the ashes of the U.S.-led invasion to oust Saddam Hussein. The insurgency that followed provided the group with … Continue reading

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Transformation in Afghanistan: “We” and “they” or “we” and “us”?

World Security Network reporting from Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif in Afghanistan, July 29, 2013 Following the current transition in Afghanistan (2011-2014), the international community has declared the next decade (2015-2024) an era of transformation. The path is too long to foresee … Continue reading

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“Urban Warfare Training” and the Militarization of America

Global Research This week’s deployment of Blackhawk helicopters in Chicago is only the latest in a series of “urban warfare training” exercises that have become a familiar feature of American life. As elsewhere, this exercise was sprung unannounced on a … Continue reading

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Russian Foreign Policy 2020- Analysis

Russian Council Russia and Global Humanitarian Challenges Vladislav InozemtsevScientific Director of the Center for Post-Industrial Studies, Editor-in-Chief of Svobodnaya Mysl magazine, RIAC member Photo:http://www.art-wallpaper.net Regrettably, in the 21st century, the world has become neither less contradictory nor more just. Although … Continue reading

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At last, The Secret of President Barack Obama’s Middle East Policy Revealed, No Kidding

By Barry Rubin BY BARRY RUBIN  A statement by two National Security Council senior staff members has revealed the inner thinking of President Barack Obama. It is of incredible importance and I plead with you to read it. If you do … Continue reading

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News Brief CFR June 11

Top of the Agenda: Turkish Riot Police Enter Gezi Park Turkish riot police fired tear gas and water cannons at hundreds of protestors (Reuters) early Tuesday as authorities tried to regain control of Taksim Square’s Gezi Park, a central square in Istanbul at the … Continue reading

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MR. President Obama…Where You ever Briefed On This?

‘Rebels’ who fight for ‘democracy’ mutilate a 15 year old boy almost beyond recognition for rejecting fairytale prophet  Mohammed. Seriously. If anyone believes these extremists flooding Syria, who are only fighting for a new Khilafa and Sharia rule are rebels, … Continue reading

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