Tag Archives: World Bank

German Law Enforcement to Trial Run a “Cyber-Armed Forces” Center

Minister Strobl explained that many small businesses are unable to afford IT or cybercrime specialists. Yet, many of the large companies handled cyberattacks on their own. He introduced the concept in the days before August as a cyber defense center that could respond “seven days a week and 24 hours a day quickly if they [small or medium sized businesses] were affected by a cyber attack.” He added that “IT security is the foundation of the digital world” detailed the reasons every organization should have access to “cyberexperts.” Continue reading

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The Third Rail By Nana Ampofo The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its world economic outlook report in April 2013 forecasting 7.2% per annum real GDP growth for Nigeria in 2013. That’s marginally above Nigeria’s five year trend and considerably … Continue reading

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